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Top Tips for Single-Parent Holidays

Travelling as a single parent can sometimes feel a little daunting, but with careful planning and the right advice, a stress-free holiday is only a phone call away.

New playmates, new experiences and new skills are a key part of a Mark Warner Holiday, along with their famous childcare in both their sun and ski resorts.

There are plenty of activities available to you, from skiing to mountain biking, and from tennis to sailing, to ensure you have just as much fun as the little ones with other like-minded adults.

Childcare is a key element when travelling as a single parent, so visit our blog where we discuss the top 10 questions asked about Mark Warner Childcare.

Top tips:

Get your child(ren) to be involved in all of the decision-making about the holiday, especially if it’s the first one you’re taking as a single parent.
Remember that the childcare isn’t just to give you a break – it also gives your child(ren) a break from you and the opportunity to meet new friends!
Book the childcare when you book the holiday, so the place(s) are secured and then everyone knows what’s happening when they get to resort – this cuts down on anxiety for both you and the child(ren)
Look into the resort’s ‘Adult Only’ zones so you can chill out and refresh your energy levels.
When you get to resort talk to other parents who have children in the Kids Club. Get their children to talk about the fun they are having as this will encourage your child(ren) to leave you and go with them. This really works if you have children who are nervous or anxious about going to the Kids Club.

If you want your child(ren) to spend the evening with you rather than use the evening childcare, then encourage them to take a nap when you return to your room in the late afternoon. By keeping them up later you may also get a lie in the next morning!
Make friends on holiday with other single parents as well as two-parent families, as it makes the holiday a really sociable experience for both you and your child(ren). Mark Warner invite single parents to a social dinner in resort with other people travelling alone with children – perfect for finding your feet, especially if this is your first holiday as a single parent, as tips will be swapped and experiences shared.

With flexible seating arrangements you can choose to eat with your child(ren) some evenings and on others have quiet dinners with new friends, taking advantage of early children’s dinners and evening childcare.
Ask for help if you need to pop to the toilet or go back to your room for something – other parents and staff will help you and it’s a great way to start a conversation with other holidaymakers.
Above all, relax and take advantage of the chance to reconnect with your child(ren) away from the pressures of daily life.
Travelling as a single parent with a child who has special needs can be even more daunting, so remember Mark Warner offer special needs childcare at Levante Beach Resort, Lakitira Beach Resort and San Lucianu Beach Resort. They can offer one-to-one childcare. Please reserve at the time of booking as these places are limited and the childcare can sometimes be split between mornings & afternoons.

Remember we are here to help you every step of the way.

Travel Club Elite are specialists in Mark Warner holidays and we offer our customers expertise, with financial security and service guaranteed by our 30 year ABTA membership (No. 82689).

Check out our Website for more information and HUGE SAVINGS on Mark Warner Holidays and look at our blog on the top 10 questions asked about Mark Warner Childcare, or call us on 0121 213 0012.


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